
Human DevOps

Friday 1st March - Learning to say No is Hard

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Yesterday, someone got me on a call and was trying to force me something to do something that I didn't want to do. I told them this wasn't in line with how our team worked. I also told them that wasn't something that I felt comfortable doing.

Then I had to repeat myself, three times.

They were trying to gain a shortcut, perhaps make themselves look important, I really have no idea. I had to give them the feedback that I felt "hijacked" and that I would need to talk to my boss about it. Then they went on to undermine my boss.

Should I give in? Should I go with what I thought was the right thing to do?

I didn't give in.

It's hard to push back. It's even harder to stay measured when you do it, but the more you do this, the better you become at it.


You tend to think that the older you get, the easier it is to navigate the relationships you're in at work. In truth, it becomes more complex because the more we know, the more we have to give and the more useful we are to others. Therefore it can often be a challenge to blend the time we're spending helping people rather than focusing on the techincal things.

And that's a good thing.

-- Richard

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Human DevOps

by Richard Bown

Join my newsletter for regular views and news about doing effective, essential human DevOps engineering. I dive into the human factors that make successful DevOps organizations and the teams and platforms at the heart of your socio-technical systems. From leadership to team setup, maximizing performance, tools and techniques.

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